Saturday, June 30, 2007

Layout Alert!

Warning: this smile can be hazardous to the word NO!

full credits are here and here

This is my 3½ year old darling, sweet, mischievous, charming grandson...Andrew. How could anyone resist this smile?! He knows how to use it for sure, and when he wants something or thinks he might be in trouble he does use it. His parents are probably a little more immune to it than I am, but not much! He's all boy, still just a little bit of a baby, loveable, huggable and just all around precious! (well aren't they all?) He has a great sense of humor too. The other day he was lounging across his daddy's legs, head resting on the arm of the chair. He was very tired, and those big blue eyes were slowly blinking, he looked like he could go to sleep any minute. I quietly asked his daddy, "isn't he just the 'prettiest' little boy you have ever seen?" and Daddy agreed with me, because even if Andrew is a boy, handsome is not the right descriptive word for him, tho handsome he is. Well, I didn't think Andrew even heard me, but he piped right up...

"Gramma, I'm not pretty, Meikina is pretty!" Then he smiled that smile!


***sighs*** I adore him, can you tell?!

Here is another one of Andrew, taken the same evening as the one in the layout. You will see what I mean by "pretty"!

Now he is showing his mischievous side! LOL!

Okay, that's all for now! I have lots of pictures of the other kids from last Saturday, but you will have to wait to see them:) Laundry and other household chores are calling my name! Have a wonderful day!

Blessings and hugs,



Gabi said...

Oh, Cheryl, he is such a cutie! Love the layout!!!

Betty Jo said...

OMGosh! That layout is awesome! Andrew's right, he isn't pretty, he is absolutely gorgeous! LOL You have so captured his beauty in these photos. What a little doll! xoxo

Anonymous said...

You write very well.