Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Week of Photos!

I had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to find the time to post every day, or even every two or three days so lets try once a week...for now. At least I have been able to manage my photo a day. I'll start with January 18th and move forward.

January little monkey girl! She is wearing a new outfit from her Aunt Tammy, a Christmas gift.

Monday, January 19th was a special day, Tyler turned 8! His big present from his parents was an iPod, and when I stopped by to see him he let me listen to all the songs he had on there so far. Sara got to go with me, it was a fun evening. Happy Birthday to my very special 8 year old!

Tuesday was Stamp Club night. I didn't do the projects because I was taking care of Sara that night, but we stopped by Donna's to pick up last month's order and see what they were making. Oh my goodness the new Stampin' Up! Catalogs had arrived! woohoo! The outside is very pretty, but you should see what's inside! I'm going to have to hide this thing from myself! LOL!

The musical carousel in this photograph is a Christmas gift from my Dad. He gave it to me on his last Christmas before he died. Sometimes it is difficult to believe he has been gone from us for nearly 9 years. My photo for Wednesday January 21st...

On Thursday I got to hang out with my little princess again. Sara has a book that is made of hard plastic (which is a good thing since she loves to put paper in her mouth!) and plays nursery rhymes. When she gets to the one that sings Pat-A-Cake, she claps her sweet little hands to the song...such a smart little girl! I love how she is looking up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. Sara looks so much like her daddy!

I was so glad to see Friday get here! It was so pretty outside, well not pretty to look at but the temperature was nice, almost springlike. I was outside looking for color anyway, tho I knew there wasn't much of anything growing around the apartment complex. Here is the most color I could find out there in the soft afternoon light. My front door...wish it were attached to a little house instead of an apartment...

Ok, this last photo catches me up to Saturday, January 24th. These guys sit on my bed when I'm not in it, sometimes when I am, that depends on how tired I am when I crawl in! The little bear was a Christmas gift from my Chris and Tyler, seven years ago. I love the little quilt proclaiming me to be the "Bestest Grandma"! The pretty bear in the yellow outfit was given to me by my sweet Mother, and so was the throw pillow behind the bears. She made that with her very own hands and it matches the quilt that is folded and draped on the foot of my bed.

So that's it for this time around. Today's photo is already taken but I will save it for later. I've got to figure out how to get all these photos into a weekly layout, I just have the hardest time fitting ~SEVEN!~ photos on one page, plus I want to leave room journaling. That means I have to make the pictures small, and I love big photos in a page layout. I am in the middle of Week #4, I need to just do it!

Have a great week!

Blessings and hugs,

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