Friday, July 27, 2007

Journey of a Lifetime

Happy Friday everyone! This is just another quick post with the newest finished layout for my photo book. I am so happy to finally be inspired to do this story. I've had the photos for well over a year. I'm just not good at multiple photo layouts, so I have enlisted the help of some cluster photo frames that were a free download by Traci Sims a few months back. The photos aren't the best quality (except for the main one)but made to help preserve some exciting memories of the day Tammy and Kenneth left for China to get Meikina. This really was a journey of a lifetime in more ways than one...there is so much going on in my mind and heart while I create this memory book.

I just realized that I never did post the credits for the layouts in my last post...and right now I don't have time to do that for this one either. LOL! it's a workday, and the past week has been a little crazy!

I will be getting results and discussing a treatment plan with my doctor later this morning. I am a little nervous I suppose, but it will be a relief to finally know what is going on. Hopefully it will be an easy fix and I'll start feeling better soon. It's out of my hands and in the hands of my Heavenly Father, who better to manage my care? So, today...all is well. **smiles**

Love you guys so much, and will chat more later! I plan on having a quiet scrap filled weekend, as I have to order my book by Wednesday next week. Have a wonderful day!

Blessings and Hugs,


1 comment:

Betty Jo said...

This book is going to be incredible. I adore this layout. It does seem odd to see you using multiple photos, but you did a wonderful job of it. I'm praying for your doctor's report. Keep me updated. You can add credits later this weekend when you're taking a break from scrapping. I'm a bit sad today, so thinking of precious Meikina and her wonderful story helps to cheer me up. xoxo