Saturday, September 15, 2007

Layout Share! and some news....

This will be quick, lucky for whoever might be reading this today! I have a couple of layouts that haven't been posted here. (For the news you will have to scroll all the way to the end!)

Here is the first one:

Now I don't really let the little ones scavenge through my purse, but since I was supervising Meikina I took advantage of the photo op and let her have her fun. She hadn't been with us too long, was still really young but she absolutely knew what the lip gloss was for! I love the bright colors in this layout and those ladybugs are so sweet! The kit I used is one of Betty Jo's called Ladybug Red. Full credits can be found here: Exploring

This next one was completed just a couple of days ago. I thought I would never get it finished!

I started out with a background to match the pink in Meikina's swimsuit, but finally changed it to see how it would look if I matched the soft blue of the water. That was what I settled on since it helped make her photos stand out so much better. But I still needed to accent with some pinks to balance everything. I prowled through all my digi supplies and found some cute doodled flowers from Weeds and Wildflowers, recolored the centers and there ya have it! The word art and butterfly are also part of that cute (free!) mini kit, it is recolored too. And look at this frame isn't it just adorable?! This was created by my friend Betty Jo, she is so sweet to let me use her stuff. Full credits for the layout are here.

Last of all is one that I did a makeover on. I never was completely satisfied with the old version, but now that old antique-ish frames are so popular, I decided to redo it. If you want to see the original version, go here: Growing Up. I did that one nearly 2 years ago. It's amazing how far digiscrapping has come since then!

Full credits are here

Well this ended up being much longer than I thought it would! Stay tuned for more bragging from this gramma to 6 adorable grandchildren, going on 7!!! Yes, this is my official announcement! Another one is due to be born next spring!

Have a great weekend!

Blessings and hugs,


Jen U said...

Lovely LO's as always! Wonderful makeover on that last one, I've done a few of those too, I know how ya feel. :) Congrats on the new grandbaby!!!!! *hugs*

Cheryl said...

Oh my! I don't think I've visited your blog before, but what beautiful subjects you have to scrapbook! You are an awesome scrapbooker. I like how you tell us that you switched your focus to the matching the water...yep...when matching one thing does not work, something else usually does...think outside the box.

Christy said...

Oooh, great layouts! I especially love the frames and the red/yellow colors on the first one. And you have gorgeous grandkids! :)